Town of Newbury
Capital Planning Committee Meeting
Thursday, April 17, 2014 7:00 AM Town Hall
Meeting Summary
Members present: Bob Connors (chair), Nick Orem (vice chair) Frank Visconti, Larry Guay and Tracy Blais (Town Administrator): In attendance, Deputy Chief John Lucy.
- Review of February 20, 2014 meeting summary:
Approved as written by unanimous vote.
- Town Administrator’s report:
No update available.
- Facilities Manager’s report:
No update available.
4. Review Bylaw.
No action required at this time.
5. Review roadway pavement policies.
No action required at this time.
6. Review “CIP requests for 2014”;
Patrol Boat Replacement Request for Newbury Harbormaster; The committee received an equipment replacement request from Police Chief, Mike Reilly and reviewed the current status of the Harbormaster fleet. Chief Reilly presented the committee with a replacement quote and specifications to update fleet. CPC unanimously recommends the amount of $35,000 from Harbormaster Revolving accounts.
Police HQ Repairs and HVAC Upgrade; The committee received a request from Facilities manager, Sam Joslin to undertake specified work pursuant to “Environmental Report” dated March 12, 2014 made recommendations for immediate remediation and system upgrades. The committee previously identified several shortcomings within the current NPD headquarters within the 2013 Annual report. Recent flooding, ongoing moisture problems and ventilation-filtration deficiencies within the HQ have worsened. CPC unanimously recommends the amount of $60,000.00 (not to exceed) from Reserve Fund.
7. Update of Approved Projects by Town Administrator/department head;
Equipment replacement request review for DPW “Rubber Tired Excavator”;
DPW requested review of the previously approved equipment replacement request regarding the purchase of “Rubber Tired Excavator” replacing the 2002 John Deere rubber tired loader/backhoe. After further review, DPW has recommended exchanging the 2002 JD backhoe with the 1999 loader/backhoe in use at the Town transfer station. The trade-in allowance has been reduced by $2,000.00 based on the age of the 1999 loader/backhoe. The committee unanimously voted to increase the current recommendation from $138,000 to $140,000.
8. Review CIP Planning Schedule;
No update.
9. Other Business;
No action required at this time.
10. Citizen’s concerns;
No action required at this time.
11. Review CIP Funding v. Cash reserves for CPC projects;
No update.
12. Public Hearings
No action required at this time.
13. Communications:
No action required at this time.
14. Next meeting date;
Next meeting scheduled for May 15, 2014, Town Hall, 7:00 AM.
15. Adjourned
Meeting adjourned at 8:17 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Bob Connors, Chairman